Have you watch this short film? If not you suppose to watch this film so you can see the creativity of Greet Wilders who try to make the whole world believe that Islam is terrorist religion, but it failure I think.
Actually, this film totally affronts our religion. I’m not promoting this film but I just want everyone who watches this film to think the pro and contra of this film. As a Muslim, we know the true of our religion. But, what about non-Muslim? They must think that it is true. So, this is our role to explain the truth of Islam.
Why they can to show the film like this? From my opinion, this is because of our own weaknesses. We are lake of knowledge about our own religion. They take this advantage to attack us not in war but in internet, a big medium which all people will know directly.
Personality I think that only the people, not the religion (Islam) who’s bad, the bad one are that people on the movie who strike terror, mock and disrespect other religion and use Islam as their shield, I believe there’s no religion that bad that deserve hell, all religion are the way people to follow the road of God.I am a Muslim and I believe on Allah, I believe that God exist, and God only one, the great one only one, but people call him on many name, no matter if you call him God, Tuhan, or Allah, he one you call are the same, he is the great one, the creator of al things, I believe on God, why? I can’t see him, but I can feel him, just like you eat ice cream, you fell its cold, but can you see what cold’s form.
Actually, this film totally affronts our religion. I’m not promoting this film but I just want everyone who watches this film to think the pro and contra of this film. As a Muslim, we know the true of our religion. But, what about non-Muslim? They must think that it is true. So, this is our role to explain the truth of Islam.
Why they can to show the film like this? From my opinion, this is because of our own weaknesses. We are lake of knowledge about our own religion. They take this advantage to attack us not in war but in internet, a big medium which all people will know directly.
Personality I think that only the people, not the religion (Islam) who’s bad, the bad one are that people on the movie who strike terror, mock and disrespect other religion and use Islam as their shield, I believe there’s no religion that bad that deserve hell, all religion are the way people to follow the road of God.I am a Muslim and I believe on Allah, I believe that God exist, and God only one, the great one only one, but people call him on many name, no matter if you call him God, Tuhan, or Allah, he one you call are the same, he is the great one, the creator of al things, I believe on God, why? I can’t see him, but I can feel him, just like you eat ice cream, you fell its cold, but can you see what cold’s form.
Malaysia, a country that acknowledges 4 religion, Islam, Hindu, Buddha, and Christian. I live in community where we respect each other, I befriend many friends that have different religion, and we respect each other.

So I think Greet Wilder is too harsh on this movie, he is wrong, the one who take the blame of this entire not the religion, but those beast who use religion it self as shield. I had read one article about Bomb on Bali a couple days ago. The author wrote that the culprits also one of them, one of beast who use Islam as shield, Beast who can laugh even after he captured, his objective is to kill all the tourist that he think as animals cause they drink alcohol, drunk, wear cloth that exposé to much (sexy), but he don’t realize that he is the actual beast, he take innocent live. my friend in junior high school lost her father on incident, her father work as security on one of the location of the bomb, that’s just make me more angry with them who so selfish, and then use religion to shield them self
Well, if this religion conflict keep up, I am sure this world will end in no time, the end of world is on human’s hand, if we continue like this then the end of time is near, but if we respect and love each other, then the world lifetime will longer.
So to anyone who read this, keep peace and respect each other. Peace!
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